A Love Story Unfolded: From Picnic to Proposal, a Wedding, and News!

A Love Story: Haily & Isreal

Photo courtesy of Haily’s Instagram @hailylara_

Love stories have a magical way of unfolding, and sometimes, all it takes is a simple picnic to set the stage for a beautiful journey ahead. We recently had the privilege of being a part of a heartwarming tale that began with a picnic and blossomed into a lifetime of love, commitment, and a new headline.

A Pretty Picnic Proposal

Photo’s by @primetime4photography

It all began when Isreal decided to reach out to us here at Pretty Picnic Things. Isreal was excited and arranged for a picnic lounge set up in Coronado, California. The boyfriend had a special surprise up his sleeve – he was planning to pop the question! Little did she know that this picnic would be the beginning of a series of memorable moments that would shape their future. As the couple enjoyed the scenic beauty of Coronado, the boyfriend took the opportunity to make the day even more magical. With the breathtaking bayview as the backdrop, he got down on one knee and asked the question that would change their lives forever. She said yes! A picnic spot to a promise of a lifetime together.

A Gift from us

Quipid’s Cuvier by Pretty Picnic Things

Our team at Pretty Picnic Things had the pleasure of being part of this love story. Learning about their journey, we decided to add a sprinkle of joy to their lives by offering them a free picnic. It was our way of celebrating their love and being a small part of the happiness they had found in each other. The couple got to enjoy a pleasant afternoon viewing the La Jolla shores underneath the Cupid’s Quiver set up.

Their Special Day

Photo courtesy of Haily’s Instagram @hailylara_

images shot by @briesannipoliphotography

Happily Ever After

Photo courtesy of Haily’s Instagram @hailylara_

images shot by @briesannipoliphotography

The engagement was just the beginning. The couple went on to plan a stunning wedding, surrounded by friends and family. The love that started with a simple picnic had grown into a deep connection, and their wedding day was a reflection of the joyous journey they had embarked upon together. Haily looked stunning in her beautiful dress and Isreal in his tux, wore a perfect smile on his face.

A Pretty Celebration

Photo courtesy of Haily’s Instagram @hailylara_

images shot by @briesannipoliphotography

As time passed, the couple's love continued to flourish. Now, they are on the brink of a new chapter – parenthood. The wife is expecting a baby, and the anticipation of welcoming a little one into their lives has added another layer of joy to their story.

Photo courtesy of Haily’s Instagram @hailylara_

Every moment, from a simple picnic to a heartfelt proposal, a beautiful wedding, and the excitement of expecting a baby, weaves together to create a story that is uniquely theirs. At Pretty Picnic Things, we feel privileged to have been a part of this enchanting journey and wish this wonderful couple a lifetime of love, happiness, and countless picnics! Cheers to love that grows and evolves, one beautiful chapter at a time! Thank you Haily for allowing me to cover this pretty love story and for a friendship that started with a pretty picnic.


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IT Girl Picnic: Pretty Picnic Things and Life Styling by Kayleen