IT Girl Picnic: Pretty Picnic Things and Life Styling by Kayleen



In a worlds of aesthetics and creativity. Pretty Picnic Things and Life Styling by Kayleen Hewitt hosted an unforgettable event in the picturesque setting of La Jolla. This collaboration brought together the ultimate IT girl picnic.

Picnic Aesthetic: Pretty Picnic Things

Pretty Picnic Things is known for creating dreamy, Instagram-worthy setups that transport you to a world of luxury and aesthetics. Their attention to detail sets the stage for an enchanting afternoon in La Jolla. With an oceanfront view, Pretty Picnic Things picnic was visually perfect. Every element was carefully curated to create a polaroid worthy snap shot.

Life Styling by Kayleen: Where Collages Meet IT Girl Wallpaper

Life Styling by Kayleen, the talented Kayleen, is That Girl for digital creativity. Kayleen's collages and IT girl wallpaper backgrounds have made it that extra touch to any outfit. Her designs are not just visually stunning but also reflect her unique artistic perspective.

For this event, Kayleen brought her creativity to life as the IT girls attendees had the opportunity to make collages under her guidance. It was a hands-on experience that allowed everyone to tap into their inner IT girl while being surrounded by the beauty of La Jolla.

Hooked Permanent Jewelry by Polley

Hooked Permanent Jewelry set up. Charms, chains, & rings

A Touch of Fun! The recent picnic event took on a cute twist as Hooked Permanent Jewelry by Polley joined the live event. Polley is the sweetest, kindest, and creative soul behind the brand. She brought a touch of cuteness and professionalism to the picnic, offering attendees an opportunity to experience permanent jewelry in a delightful way. Polley ensured that each guest left with a piece of jewelry that would not only last a lifetime but also put a smile on their face. Her customer service is subpar! She naturally feels like a friend and would be recommended for any event.

Sweet Treats and Pink Delights: All That Cake's Special Creation

Cake by All That Cake

All That Cake, a cake company known for its adorable vintage heart-shaped cakes, added a sweet touch to the event. They created a stunning pink cake that perfectly captured the essence of the day. The cake was so, so cute and so, so yummy!

Life Styling, Aesthetics & It girls, thats it!


A Love Story Unfolded: From Picnic to Proposal, a Wedding, and News!


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